Sunday, December 29, 2019

Questionnaire On Catering For Diversity Essay - 1017 Words

2. Catering for Diversity Artefact 1: Year 2 lesson plan on persuasive writing – evaluation of plan, 2015. Assessment of student learning Observation of student responses. Assessment of student posters – using key words of persuasion (from initial brainstorming session) Evaluation Some students did not grasp the concept of the poster as struggled to come up with reasons as to what in the poster persuades them to watch the movie. As a result spent more time on discussing the poster therefore students did not get enough time to complete their posters. Follow up lesson on persuasive posters. This artefact was utilised on my prac in April of 2015 with a Year 2 class. The lesson was an English lesson, covering the content of persuasive words and writing. My mentor informed me the students had previously worked on persuasive words and so I planned the lesson according to this. Students viewed the movie poster for Madagascar 3, which I chose based on their interests. I engaged the students in discussions about the target audience, text, colour, characters and how these all things contribute to persuade people to go and watch the movie. As a class we brainstormed key persuading words. Students were then asked to create their own persuasive poster about something they like and would like to persuade their peers to like. This ensured that the lesson catered for student diversity as they all have different interests and were encouraged to present them in their own creativeShow MoreRelatedFormal Written Communication1023 Words   |  5 Pagesof the audit, there needs to be suff icient information to understand what they have clearly done. Then they must state the results, this includes statistics, pie charts and percentages. This can be from questionnaires, for example, the person who wrote the audit report could have given questionnaires to people who recently requested assistance from the police. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Article Bong Hits And Arms Bands On...

Bong hits and arms bands in school?! What in the world is the public education system coming to in America? Students are practicing their rights and their free speech. The First Amendment upholds the freedom of speech, press assembly, and petition. However, the Supreme Court has different justifications on these in schools and for students. Schools look to uphold the safety and security of the students and faculty in their care. There are two prominent cases that show the difference between free speech that is for students and that is not. Juneau-Douglas High School holds an event each year called the Olympic Torch Relay and in 2007 senior Joseph Fredrick unveiled his banner which had the words â€Å"Bong Hits 4 Jesus† on it in. This was a violation of the schools rule to not promote illegal drugs (Supreme Court). The case was brought to the Supreme Court, Morse v. Fredrick (2007), and they held, 5-4, that the â€Å"school authorities do not violate the First Amendment when they stop students from expressing views that may be interpreted as promoting illegal drug use† ( Although in this case the Supreme Court was in favor of Morse, this is not always the case. Students do have limited free speech on high school campuses, however in the case of Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) the students won. The students were victorious in this case because of a stipulation of politics. They were protesting the Vietnam War in school by wearing black armbands with peace

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing and Society Vintages and Conveniences

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Society for Vintages and Conveniences. Answer: Part A Outline The word, marketing has been successively explained by diverse businessmen and corporate organizations. It authenticates the activities connected to production and transaction of vintages and conveniences to satisfy the discrete requirements of customers and professionals to achieve the ultimate ends of values. The encouraging ethics of marketing refers to the method of outlining the marketplace strategies, choosing, manipulating and concocting the professional target for the association and executing the valuations prepared rendering to the accessible resources to monitor the agendas of demands with consecutive sales investigation of yields and services (Awa, 2010). Projections of Company The Vodafone Group in Australia has reflected severe accomplishments that indulge miscellaneous provisions in relation to practical, dedicated and effective movements to captivate an enormous segment of viewers. It is a multinational entity that united with Hutchison 3G. The Concern emphases on the plans to provide commercial recreations of responsiveness and create a long-lasting stand as regards the significant policies of public conveniences though perceiving the noticeable classes of persons related with the industrial division It serves as the prime transportable and telecommunication package benefactor to articulate realistic resolutions to discrete networking expedients and broadcast productive forecasts to the public with approximately supporting seven million users. It generated A$4 billion yearly profits with the attainment of third position as the mobile functioning enterprise while contending with Telstra as well as Optus (, 2016). Critical Analysis of Understanding the Audience Marketing states the perception of handling the purposes of vending crops and facilities to the culminating operators with a positive plan and route involved in the request of methodical interaction of the assessment of the objects intended for exchange between the marked spectators by dint of the persistence of considering the performance of procurement or the consumer knowledge of purchasing the desired substances and the cogent attitudes toward the comprehensive stuffs (Mattson, 2012). There are essentially five modest brands of ways and means tangled in the all-inclusive practice of marketing approach of a business institute to chase its corporate ends. These are clarified as: Significances of clients: It addresses the predilections of the regulars regarding their wishes and requirements of buying. The acquiring of products by the patrons with suitable forms of decisions serve the chief resolution of the commercial principles that penetrates as the objective of invention. Manners of shoppers: The clienteles normally emphasize on adequate worth to the trademarks, excellence, charge and category of merchandises offered by the entity for their name. The actual presence shaped by the provision and the product assessment of the element delivers a promoting code (Leedy Ormrod, 2012). Mapping of networks: The customers ensure superior predilection of the manifestations of advertising priorities in the affair of digital selling. The overall coordination of marketing over and done with offline means vacillates from the virtual impression. The commercial amalgamation has elevated the practice of evolution through online amenities of encouraging and unique design of fruitful strategies by inserting the alternatives of arrangement of produces (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). The offline mechanism indulged with the marketplace evaluates through unswerving communication and acknowledging the awareness of communal sentiments supported by the publicity of fortnightlies, periodicals, correspondents, magazines and so on. Marketing assortment: The persuasive collection apexes with the assessing value, returns, place and marketing approaches of the goods and amenities. These are scattered and organized conferring to the professional backgrounds of the diplomacies and perceptions as discoursed by the adherents of the specific cluster (Keller et al. 2011). Investment Decision: The outlay option highlights the transactions with assortment of the accurate range of share that accomplishes the mark settled by the innovativeness concerning the occupational policy. The demands and contributing of varied types of resources with the operation of the courses ought to be price effective to direct the corporate sector competently and with extended term of prospects as desirable to attend the clienteles. Organizational short term plans are also essential to be measured agreeing to the interpretations of the patrons to gain considerable revenues. The existing resources in addition to the funds must be suitably in concurrence (Marburger, 2012). Segmentation Market dissection climaxes the alliance of numerous patrons into sections that plugs the obtainable features of the collective desires or requirements to yield quick reaction. Every group of the division promises by means of the actions of the examination of the facts of marketing mix to suggest substitute crusade of evolution and adequate opportunity of expansions or successes. The unlike structures of subdivision point out to the breakdown of edifice of the populace, boldness of behavior, whereabouts and terrestrial location of the users proceeds (Mattson, 2012). Bestowing to the urgencies of prominent authorities, the essential talents of the culture put forward the potentials of the clienteles founded on age, sexual characteristics, earnings, edification, occupation and traditional and circumstantial settings. The psychic component proves the lifetime flamboyance of the customs with communal session, behavior, interpretations of folks, and insolences headed for the creation and amenities of the practical divisions. The actions are signified by procurement tendency that is painted by internet spending, product fancies and erstwhile acquisitions. The topographical positions state the landforms, nation, and government, authority metropolitan city or pastoral extent where the clients live (Mullins Walker, 2013). Advantages The domestic conformation is repeatedly transforming according to the settings of the modern society that stresses on the manufacturing of novel constituents that accomplishes the standards of contemporary facilities to advance with time. The portable tools alongside the novel pattern of internal scheme of working practices seemed to have prejudiced the production of communal set up to mature and device exclusive creation to enable the diverse decorations of effort. The business needs to broaden the category of yields to be obtainable at the spot to cultivate the extensive term strategy on revenues of speculation to check the viewers who appears to have recognized the rapports and environments of usage (Parameswaran Jacob, 2011). The organization of the responsibilities of informational measurements with the requests of the spectators based on their options and appeal, deliver assurance of effective stimulus and sustenance on the share of the consultant division. The structural efforts to screen the chronicles of steady and added calls in seamless process, describe the annual resources, adjust the monetary charges and ethics of substances and relate controlling and penalizing movements. It aims to govern numerous circumstances for diverse pledges which are the essential phases of engineering detections. There occurs a declaration of extensive access to the boulevards of communicating plans for interconnecting with a prodigious division of the civilization and prompt the opinions, feelings and requests to have discussion of approximations with others. The rustic and municipal persons get associated effortlessly over and done with suitable forms of links of service offered to them. There are mixed forms of oppo rtunities and profitable rebates on discrete determinations to expedite the persons grounded on their positions. The Firm meets the expense of ensuring extended stretch of supportable possessions on the allocation of proceedings and means to participate with cohesive method so as to inaugurate precise guidelines of preservation and security of records. This generates the bond to promote the scheme of available and endangered stacking of evidence within the architectural arrangement (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). Disadvantages The types of patrons having dissimilar requests and precedence are arbitrated rendering to the unlike panaches of marketplace culture. A few selected patrons favor the fleetness and presentation in the transportable marketplace although; there are new patrons who are apprehensive around security and comprehensiveness. The merchandises and facilities accessible to the persons have dissimilar purposes for the contrasting classes of individuals. The administrations which tend to ensure a propensity to entertain a specific assembly of individuals above others may achieve considerable downfall of economic, legitimate and ethical standards in the society. The client package based market and product division has need of being more operational and perfect as per the configuration of variables of segmentation. The charges must be modest to meet the requisite demands (Leedy Ormrod, 2012). The admittance of the contending clusters like Telstra and Optus might demonstrate to be equitably inexpe nsive. The marketplace is growing to be feasible and knowledgeable to pact with the rivalry of players. Part B Primary Market The marketplace precinct assurances a comprehensive feature of the firm and tenable segments with the conversing facilities that enclose the country and metropolitan inhabitants. The urban area besides the outlying sections of the country conquers a vigorous situation to possess attractive assets of the beneficiary events. The high-tech perspective controls the vital features to publicize the admiration of the amenities distributed to the people. The general assembly of persons are significantly interested to absorb the humble approaches of functioning plans that outfits the persistence of arresting the lucrative proposals and reduced charges on unusual situations. The Business assumes prolific strides to speed up with inordinate interest and potency while forming diverse categories of marketing channels in assorted sections of Australia (Kruse, 2013). The rustic parts are principally exaggerated with creativities engaged on the share of the business that reproduce auspicious suggestions to deliver extensive options in system complements. The original, countrywide and transnational cell phone rates require equivocal grants for the modest marketplace to ensure productive commercial transactions. The marketplace compass is intensifying with the amazing accomplishments in the embedding of Vodafone business to have concentrated viewers. The convenient relationship incorporates virtually the all-inclusive populace as it encircles an extensive array of individuals. The 4th generation links has progressed to the stage of the well-designed concern. The rapidness of metamorphosis of particulars with informatics devises to cover the pinnacle of genuineness and precision. Vodafone purposes to continue with competent management to grip a substantial unit of the marketplace segment which would definitely upsurge the fabrication competences (Mak hbul, 2012). The initiation of the interacting application of the methodological substances lengthways with physical adaptation of the diverse apparatuses on the chip positions the code of performance scheme founded on the software design. The corporation transfers added information to socialize the communications equipped along online and media broadcasting concerning the conveniences obtainable in 4th generation revelation to the spaces wherever the indications are enthusiastically accessible. There are workplaces; practical set ups alongside enriched architectural boards for technical surroundings, wireless networks, modems etc. to upkeep the scheme of message associations at wide-ranging initiatives. The persons, groups of people associated in corporate and provincial administrations consuming manifold operational units and subdivisions confirm steady entrance to the interacting and itinerant networks of Vodafone Business at Australia amalgamated with Hutchison 3G (, 2016). Secondary Target Age The personnel with diverse age assemblies exhibit different inclinations. The shopper examination divulges that the individuals fitting to the period of development of assortment from 15 to 35 favors to acquire the yields of varied sequence and charges. The newer cohort needs to benefit the internet provision that outfits their drive of connecting to friends succession and nearer persons. They constitute the foremost targets of business ideology and bounce noteworthy reflection on the ground-breaking stuffs. The age collection amid 35-50 eons needs the phones and net suites that are appropriate for their workplace projects and private insinuations. They quest for pre-paid correspondences with relaxed and contented explanations for discrete customs. The workplaces of secluded and municipal enterprises favor the postpaid policy scheme stuck on internet link. The Corporation purposes to fix their aims to arrest the courtesy of the corresponding establishments The persons beyond 55 years tend to achieve the domestic system pack to connect with the intimate ones. They are fond of cost-effective charges. They pick up policies consuming free calls with promotional deals. Gender The females and manly groups possess discrete predilections for the pioneering gears of software or hardware apparatuses who wish to access the facilities that resolve their complications promptly. (Source: Luan Sudhir, 2010). Part C Positioning The locating of the marketplace is precisely much indispensable to produce an element and generate an optimistic brand appearance to enlarge the commercial drives. It correspondingly improves to crop an amazing comeback from the beleaguered clienteles and the marketplace sections to increase the current standing. The positioning associates the invention and its price in the observances of publics who will unquestionably get-up-and-go to indicate the exact possibility for purchasing the artifact and gain the package essential to bump into the preferred choices. The patrons purchasing conduct is founded on the decision constructing procedure of the patrons who aim to find out an artifact of their favorites according to the excellence and handiness in the marketplace. The commercial actions are essential to comprehend the purposes of the patrons of the zones of marketing the matters and regulate the policies of marketing mix (Yang et al. 2011). The interacting paraphernalia has presented third generation indulgence of networking arrangements founded on movable setups. It establishes the competence of mechanical tasks for introduction of wireless structural design on the backgrounds of prolonged tenancy for the realization of rapidity of diffusion of fourth generation solicitation facilities on the stage of advanced implication of gen and facts through vigorous interference of terminuses. The extensive tenure of formulating of dealings of execution through trim of indications in the digital organization of schmoosing with augmented scopes of records has demonstrated the handling of statistics in a groundbreaking style of logical and consistent progression within the high-tech dome (Peck et al. 2012). The brand is meticulously allied to requirements and crucial facilities attainable for the users. It is documented as a distinctive entity that symbolizes the individual, the apparatuses of the harvests and anticipated amenities in the contour of distinguishing landscapes related to the strategies of the hardware and functioning structures. (Source: Chernatony McDonald, 2012) The well-organized devices of positioning the harvests and the advertising assessment referring to the manipulators inclinations requires to deal with a restored knowledge of the reasonable itemization and appreciation of the innumerable settings that requests the suitable conveyance and facility within a constructive time. The superiority and the magnitude both are momentous to preserve the status of the group in the marketplace. There needs to be encouraging operation of an appropriate system to escalate the efficiency (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). Motives for positioning The requirements, enquiries and responses of the clienteles add excitement to the mission of treating the inclusive approach. The practical proceedings accentuate on the perfection of operational nation and grace, environment, organizational and official situations of the operative vittles, industrialized zone, engineering capabilities, classification of dispensation of documents, information and services of the supervises and involvement of collective cognizance. The business explorations survey the research and expansion of machineries for fashioning innovative produces and accomplishing the responsibilities rendering to the supplications of the civilization (Powell, 2014). The afterward sales provision of the culture has numerous implications in aiding the personages. There are operational amenities for undeviating communication with the syndicate heads and the responsible subdivisions to precisely express their views on the excellence of package and propose productive counsels. T he onlookers have the space of referring correspondences, messaging over Facebook, diverse websites of customer services, Linked In, Twitter etc. chats through cellular devices, Telecommunication routes and so on (Mattson, 2012). Product Minutiae The Vodafone group captures the heading of distinction of merchandise specifics by creating assorted variety of automated assemblies of mobile yields, wireless schemes, linking of modems with wide-ranging abilities and rapidity of the admission of gen through connecting services.. The 2G, 3G or 4G network impacts the audiences. The router scheme has recognized platform to offer networks to numerous operations at a stage. The extraordinary reputation of gears, paraphernalia, automated gadgets with the variety of products represent the viable approach to deal with incompatible organizations of nationalized or globalized applications (Chiavetta Porter, 2013). Pricing comforts The precise value sequence allows Vodafone to receive lucrative profits in the transaction of creation. The pre-paid, with post-paid payment custodies, provisional duties, combo proposals, and family clarifications, competence of advertising with free calls deliver condensed and intermediate controls to ensure informal access through internet plans, Vodafone Red etc.. There are preparations of sophisticated data correspondences for the prosperous people. There is suitable scope for compensating bills by credit or debit cards, and cheque facilities (Holweg Helo, 2014). 7Ps Product Price Place Promotion People Process Physical Evidence VO D A P H O N E Enterprise Knowledge Value Excellence Branding Assurance of components of hardware and software items, networking concepts Policies Differentiation Of Price rendering to the variety Internet and Undeviating sales through direct means Campaign for lucrative offers, Marketing material, Direct Mail, cellular calls Correspondences through print media Facebook, Twitter etc. Administrator, Managers, Executives Workforces Media employees Transportation, Suppliers, Distributors Societies. Emphasis on the client Distribution scheme through operational and consignment services By hand transmission of materials, Postal amenities It Maintenance arrangement, Computerized booklets, Forms Operates and Managing personnel, Appearance and Product packing Information organization system, all sorts of merchandises (Source: Created by the author) References Adair, J. (2011) Effective Communication: The Most Important Management Skill of All. 5th ed. London: Prentice Hall. Awa, H. (2010). Democratizing the New Product Development Process: A New Dimension of Value Creation and Marketing Concept. International Business Research, 3(2). Baker, W., Marn, M. Zawada, C. (2010). The price advantage. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Beatty, J., Samuelson, S. Bredeson, D. (2013). Business law and the legal environment. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Bontrager, B. (2013). Editor's Note. Strategic Enrollment Mgmt Quarterly, 1(2), pp.78-79. Cemal, Z., Azize S., Hakan K., Mehtap . 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Current Leadership Strategies of Pepsi Foods Mexico Free Sample

Question: Evaluate the Most Important Leadership Skills and Competencies that you think will be required for Pepsi Food Mexico Organisation. Answer: Introduction In the contemporary business environment, PepsiCo Foods Mexico (PFM) has required making significant changes in leadership patterns to draw substantial advantage in the marketing. By referring to the study material of PFMs strategic intervention, Pepsi Foods Mexicos current leadership strategies must be transformed to achieve innovation in the marketing. Meanwhile, the identified change will be required to increase customer loyalty through enhancing the core business competencies of PFM in the target market. Notably, the role of Jorge Rubio, the marketing veteran in PFM, has to be evaluated that can eventually make a huge impact on the change process. Precisely, the change will be effective for futuristic growth and sustainability of business in the target market (Williams, 2010). In order to improve the changing scenario, transformative leadership will be the order of the day. In the study, a thorough discussion on transformative leadership has been presented to draw the impact on the same managing change (Nieman, Schuyler and Brett, 2014). Leading to change, the study evaluates the role of the marketing leader to develop transformative leadership among the staff members within the CSI Department of PFM. To finish, the research study suggests the contrasting scenario of transformative and transactional leadership. Discussion Transformative Leadership The concept of transformative leadership was introduced by James McGregor Burns, a leadership expert of modern time. According to him, transformational leadership can be defined as a particular leadership style that will lead the organisational employees to move to a higher level through motivation (Galli, 2016). Precisely, transformative leaders have set high expectations towards the workforce so that remarkable results can be achieved. Moreover, transformative leadership encourages the staff members to find efficient ways of achieving targets increasing the workplace morale (Antonakis and House, 2014). Through excellent rapport, transformative leaders mobilise the workforce leading by examples. Admittedly, transformational leaders are specialised in working to change management within the HRM system. In the context of the existing scenario of PFM, transformative leadership must be introduced to the target audience i.e. the staff members within the CSI Department of PFM. Currently, the employees are reluctant to change the pattern within the marketing department. However, transformative leadership can alter the situation by changing the things that no longer works in the system (Sanders, Hopkins and Geroy, 2013). The transformative leadership will be effective for the employees as it will be evident in solving challenges through innovative ideas. Precisely, transformative leadership will help to replace the traditional patterns that are not fit with the system anymore. By enforcing transformational leadership strategy within the workforce, PFM management can give employees autonomy over their particular job positions to make significant decisions suitable for achieving the overall business targets. Invariably, transformative leadership will encourage to maximising the capability and capacity of organisational teams. In addition, transformative leadership traits can be influential for every member of CSI Department so that each of the integral units can work efficiently with others (Gunn, 2009). Decisively, transformative leadership will help the employees to look beyond self-interest to attain the organisational goal. Undoubtedly, the staff members will be encouraged to achieve the improbable leading to change. Change process Transformative leadership can be one of the most ideal strategies to management the change within the CSI Department of PFM. Significantly, transformative leadership among the team members can motivate the rest of the subordinates to deliver the vision at the workplace. Moreover, transformative leadership will be evident to set up trust-based relationship creating a unique and inimitable workplace culture (Galli, 2016). Precisely, such strategies can become the core competencies of the business leading to achieve competitive advantage in the target market. Leading to achieve significant change management, transformative leadership will be effective to combine the workplace diversity. By focusing the strategic programmatic objectives, transformative leadership can determine diversity as one of the core organisational value leading towards success. By respecting the workplace diversity, transformative leadership can work according to the set plan irrespective of race, culture, religion, etc. Predominantly, transformative leadership has turned the diversity into empowerment and extensiveness that can be highly effective for achieving corporate goals (Bond and Keys, 2013). Precisely, inclusiveness and empowerment can help to change the course of the dynamics so that employees can become more committed to their responsibilities and job positions. Meanwhile, transformative leadership has provided the freedom to the staff members to control their actions and activities setting their destinations accordingly (Shambach, 2014). Understandably, by including the transformative leadership within the CSI Department of PFM, employees can pioneer innovative strategic initiatives that can be useful to lead changes. Apart from that, the benevolent tradition within the management can get a makeover through the introduction of transformative leadership (Gunn, 2009). Unanimously, such leadership traits can encourage diversity culture among the workplace leading towards empowerment, inclusiveness, and equity. Furthermore, employees can feel an eager sense of accountability that will make a positive impact at the end. However, the style of management must be suitable to merge each of the constituents relevant for successful transformation of leadership (Chun and Evans, 2009). Meanwhile, research shows that transformative leadership is an essential modern-day leadership theory that helps in successful organizational change management. The application of transformative leadership helps in increasing the job satisfaction and motivation level of the workforce that further improves the productivity of the firm (Kennedy, 2008). Transformative leadership helps in referring to the process of major changes in the assumptions and attitudes of the organizations members and develops a commitment for the firms objectives, mission and strategies. On the other hand, the transformative leaders are those people who bring about the innovation, change and entrepreneurship for the improvement of the current operations of the firm. The transformational leaders are responsible for recognising the needs for change, create new vision, and implement the change (Mitra, 2013). The transformational leaders have the ability to inspire their subordinates to make the changes according to the needs of the firm and put themselves into the role of implementing the changes. On the other hand, transformational leaders attempt to increase the needs of the followers and promote dramatic changes in the behaviour of the organisations, groups and individuals (Makipere, 2008). Hence, transformative leadership is quite valuable for leading the change processes that are to be implemented by the CSI department of PFM. Contrast between transformative and transactional leadership The differences in the leadership styles rely on the ways the management uses to control their subordinates. Transactional leadership style is another approach that is used by the management to maintain the normal glow of the operations. In other words, transactional leadership can be considers as an approach that is used to keep the ship afloat (Tubin, 2017). The transactional leaders use an array of incentives and disciplinary power to motivate the employees to perform well in the organisation. The term transactional refers to the exchange of performance for rewards that is used by the managers to improve the productivity of the workforce (Mitra, 2013). The concept of transactional leadership can be introduced effectively drawing new models over the existing ones. Precisely, transactional leadership encourages the followers to make the move first during the change management. Meanwhile, by focusing of the target audience, staff members can be motivated leading towards transactional leadership. By identifying the trend in the existing market, transactional leadership can deliver cost effective measures drawing sustainable competitive advantage (Phillips and Hunt, 2012). But, in the case of PepsiCo Food Mexico, there is a need of implementing change in the operations of the CSI team. There is a need of transformative leadership approach that goes beyond the day to day operations of the firm and develops strategies for taking the individuals, groups and organisation to the next level of success and performance (Tubin, 2017). The transformative leadership style focuses on improving motivation, team building and collaboration with the workers al a different level of the organization to effectively implement the changes for the betterment of the firm. In other words, transformative leaders have increased the emotional attachment among the employees to motivate their performance (Mitra, 2013). By exchanging the relations, transformative leaders have encouraged the team members to think beyond self-interest. Notably, transactional leaders have developed fundamental orientation dealing with the current issues whereas transformative leaders are proactive by nature. Through leading by examples, transformative leaders have led to innovation (Rogers, 2008). In case of PepsiCo Foods Mexicos business context, transformative leadership can replace the traditional functions with the new ones so that strategic goals of the management can be achieved. Evidently, promoting new marketing system, the organisation can develop sustainable business advantage that will increase brand image in the target market. Hence, transformative leadership skills and competencies are more appropriate for leading the change in the CSI department of PepsiCo Foods Mexico. Important leadership skills and competencies By considering the above analysis, the CSI team of PepsiCo Food Mexico needs to develop transformative leadership skills and competencies in order to lead the changes in the operations of the firm. There are several leadership skills and competencies that can be developed by the team members to successfully implement the changes (Rogers, 2008). For example, innovation is the first criteria to lead the changes in the organisational culture. The CSIs members must be creative enough to develop better marketing strategies to influence the customers. Innovation helps the workforce to lead the organisation towards its success by seeking competitive edge in the Mexican market (Hesselbein and Johnston, 2012). There is a need of developing a innovative mindset among the employees and higher responsibilities must be allocated to them to increase employee engagement. The improvement in the employee engagement through innovative mindset will enhance the productivity of the CSI team. On the other hand, the self motivation skill and competency of a transformative leader will help the CSI members to set a clear vision and mindset to achieve the desired goals. The self motivation skill will help the employees to assess their strengths and weaknesses to develop their individual competencies (Hesselbein and Johnston, 2012). On the other hand, the motivational skills will help the CSI members to motivate their subordinates to follow the change process and deliver the vision of the organisation. The members need to appeal to the peoples value and inspire them with where and why they are leading them. Hence, the self motivation skill will develop a confidence among the members of the organisation to effectively lead the changes. In the meantime, the CSI team members must develop customer centric approach to lead the operations of the firm. Understanding the need of the customers and their changing behaviour will help the team to develop better marketing plans (Hesselbein and Johnston, 2012). The customer focusing skills will help the employees to influence the buyers and develop a better reputation of the firm. The customer focusing skills can be used to conduct market research and develop new products according to the need of the buyers. Hence, this skill of the CSI members will be helpful to implement the changes effectively and improve the market positioning of the firm. Conclusion On the basis of the above analysis, PepsiCo Foods Mexico needs to make changes in its leadership styles to improve its marketing activities. The company will develop a Customer Service Insights that will focus on customer centric approaches and creative ideas to improve the marketing activities of the firm. In order to make the necessary changes to achieve a more flexible, innovative, creative, and matrix form of organisation, the members of the firm must focus on implementing transformative leadership style. The transformative leadership approach will help to motivate the workers and develop a clear vision for the future to influence the employees to work for a common goal. On the other hand, the transformative leadership approach will increase employee engagement. The approach will promote workers satisfaction level and loyalty towards the firm. Moreover, the transformative approach will influence the workforce to consider the changes, beneficial for own interest as well as for the organisation. On the other hand, the leaders of the firm must possess innovation, customer focusing, and self motivating skills to influence the organisation to move towards the right direction. Conclusively, the transformative leadership skills and competencies must be developed by the members of PFM to effectively lead the changes. References Antonakis, J. and House, R. (2014). Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformationaltransactional leadership theory.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp.746-771. Bond, M. and Keys, C. (2013). Empowerment, diversity, and collaboration: Promoting synergy on community boards.American Journal of Community Psychology, 21(1), pp.37-57. Chun, E. and Evans, A. (2009).Bridging the diversity divide. 1st ed. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass. Galli, B. (2016). 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